-2021 General Admission Tickets
– NEW Low-Income Tickets
– Directed Ticket Info
As previously announced, GA Tickets will go on sale Saturday, June 26, 2021 at NOON!
It’s great to finally get going this year, and your C4 (Core 4 Team) has met a handful of times for discussion and planning. As a group, we’ve decided that tickets will be $100 (plus fees) this year for a variety of reasons. Last year was obviously very tough and difficult for a BUNCH of reasons,but we still did it! However, last year, we ended up several thousand under due to some additional and odd expenses, had way fewer ticket sales than usual, plus a garage burglary (we lost 2 generators and our entire TTATC event walkie system, plus lots of personal stuff! Youch!). Basically, we took a big hit! This year our population will still be lower than originally anticipated (350 this year), but we hope to catch up, boost our grant program back up, and hold on to our event quality standards! We hope our population can keep creeping back up in future years! Regardless, we have no plans to have any further ticket fee increases for the foreseeable future.
The total for a regular GA ticket this year will be $111.
To offset anybody with major issues with our new GA ticket price, we will be offering LI (low-income) tickets to those that need them to attend. Those tickets will be priced at $50 (plus fees). These forms will be reviewed by the C4 team, and we are planning to award about a dozen of those (a bit flexible depending on the response) with the ability to purchase a ticket at the discounted price. To get the discounted rate, there will be a special personal code to use during your purchase during regular ticket sales. You will still need to get in line (online) during regular ticket sales (June 26 at Noon) like everybody else, and if you find yourself with the ability to purchase an LI ticket, you may use your code at that point. If you end up purchasing a ticket from somebody else after regular sales, you will still need to pay them the price that they paid for the ticket (or whatever they decide), which is only fair. We talked a lot about this process, and we came up with this. We hope this all makes sense, and that this option is appreciated! These forms will be due on Monday, June 21, 2021 by NOON, and those given this opportunity will be notified (with further instructions) by Wed, June 23 by 5 pm. Sorry for the short quick notice, but welcome to our quick squished schedule this year! We hope this helps those that need a little extra assistance to attend TTATC11! Responses will be kept private amongst the primary C4 team that will be making these decisions.
The total for a Low Income ticket this year will be $55.
To apply for a LI Ticket, you must fill out this form, due Mon, June 21, 2021 by noon.
As in previous years, we will be offering a limited number of special RV passes for those that would like to bring a camper or RV into our reserved/designated area in the back of the actual event grounds. There is NO car or RV/Camper camping allowed in the general parking lot. An RV pass needs to be purchased along with an admission ticket to the event (an RV pass does NOT include your personal admission to the event). NO POWER AVAILABLE. RVs will be on grass, not gravel. Those that purchase an RV pass will be required to fill out an info form (TBA for those that get em), so we know more about what to expect!
35 RV passes will be available at $35 each.
We will be offering a very limited number of directed tickets (at the GA rate) to established theme camps in good standing. Stay tuned for emails and more info about this if you qualify (don’t call us, we’ll call you!). Specific established Rangers, Medical Crew, and DPW peeps may also be contacted and given the opportunity to purchase directed tickets. We NEED these people to provide the guts of the event! There’s a lot to juggle around this, but it’s happening! Hang in there and stay tuned!
The TOTAL number of tickets available this year will max at 350. We hope to bump up our population again next year, but we’re definitely easing back into bigger numbers. Coming off a pandemic, moving our date around, being generally thrown off by the weirdness of the world has thrown us ALL for a loop! But hey, we’re figuring it out, and MAKING IT HAPPEN the best we can! Thanks for hanging in there with us! No matter what, WE make it happen, and it will be AWESOME! Fire Mama (and your Core Four Team!)