TTATC is only EIGHT months away! Time to get going! Hahahaha! Well, the Lead Team is already on it, and we have a few Things and Announcements for ya! Are you ready?!? YOU SHOULD READ THIS WHOLE THING for a bunch of info! Here we go!
- What is TTATC (That Thing at the Cabin)?
For the newbies and reminders to everybody! TTATC is an event that follows the 10 Principles of Burning Man, including all the community stuff, such as Participation, Community Involvement, and Civic Responsibility. We all create and enjoy the art (interactive theme camps, static art, effigies, etc), we all volunteer to run the event (many opportunities!), and we all express ourselves, clean up after ourselves, offer gifts (time and things), and accept anybody and everybody, and so on and so on! TTATC will remain unsanctioned (no thanks red tape), privately run as an LLC (as always), and isn’t much different than other Regional Burns. Overall, we are a Burn, not a festival (so different!), and we are all in this together! TTATC isn’t provided FOR YOU, it’s a collaboration created by ALL OF US! - What is the C4?
The Core 4 Team (C4) consists of 4 long time TTATCers that collaborate to take the lead on major decisions, deal with all things ethical, financial, and large scale planning for now and in the future as we continue to grow. This team has experienced some shifting through time (from 4 to 3 and back to 4, with some adjustments), but now we are set with myself, Paulski, J5, and Jeffy! We have a nice balance of people that bring many aspects of prep, planning, web stuff, and humor (gotta have humor!). Thanks for believing in us and our Core decisions. - What is the TTATC Lead Team?
Most of our Lead Team has existed since TTATC THREE, which is basically when our team was established! Quite an impressive run for many of our crew! We have leads for Gate, FAST, Volunteers, Rangers, etc etc etc, those kinds of things, and we’ve added a few departments over the years as we’ve grown, as necessary. This is a team of almost 20 people, and this crew is BADASS. Thanks for stepping up to volunteer with these leads and departments to keep these necessary parts of TTATC alive and well! - What’s up with the TTATC Grounds?
As most of you know, last year was very HOT and very WET (woooo!), our land took a hit, and as somebody eloquently said… “It was the best kind of brutal.” Many people stepped up, kept it together, and made it happen, regardless of the challenges! However, there are some things we must be mindful of moving forward as an event and community. We will keep our eyes on the weather and will make sure to have a Plan A and a Plan B for all things. As we grow, our Parking situation continues to be a challenge, but we have ideas and plans that will come. The neighborhood continues to mostly love us, but we did get a major SOUND complaint last year that is A BIG DEAL. This is something we will need to monitor and work together to manage as we move forward. However, it took us SIX YEARS to get a complaint, which is awesome! But the fact is…. the town knows we exist. We are loved by many, but must tiptoe around a few. Fortunately, our venue LOVES US and will work with us as much as possible, as long as we do our part. We are VERY LUCKY in so many ways…. Let;s be careful and protect what we have! - When do TICKETS go on sale?!?!
Our main sale will commence on Friday, April 24th at NOON! Mark your calendars! All general tickets will be sold for $80 each, and when they are gone, they are gone! Last year, we sold out all (450) available tickets in 2.5 hours! It was crazy! This year we are adding something new….. We are making 50 tickets available as ART SUPPORT TICKETS available for $250 each, and go on sale very soon! Some people in our community have more money than time, and have the ability to give more financially. These particular tickets will support our ever expanding Art Grant program. Maybe we’ll sell 2? 20? 50 of these? We don’t know! But we do know that Burning Man has offered this program before, and like many Things we do, we follow the Burning Man lead, and so we’ll give it a shot! Some will love this and some won’t (if you don’t, this program isn’t for you), but we’re gonna try it out. Art Support tickets will go on sale Wednesday, Dec. 18th at NOON, just in time to give as holiday gifts, if that’s your Thing! We will be making decisions and providing directed tickets to established camps and a few departments as usual, THEN we will see where we are at as of our Main Sale, and sell ALL that remains of our 500 ticket cap (up 50 tickets total each year as usual) at that time. May the ticket odds be with you! Don’t forget that tickets tend to become available closer to the event, so if it doesn’t happen for you during these sales, it’s not over! Let’s make it happen!
THAT’S IT! Thanks for playing along! TTATC is awesome. You are awesome, we are awesome. It’s already happening, and it will be great! Thanks for being a TTATCer!
<3 Fire Mama (and crew!)