All posts by Jeff Kealy


ART GRANT APPLICATIONS are ready! Due Monday, May 15th, 2023 at NOON.This year, through

Due Monday, May 15th, 2023 at NOON.
This year, through ASS (early Art Super Support) tickets, general donations, and TTATC, $4200 is available for art grant funding this year! Yay!
There are a few new rules and requirements for grants this year, check em out on the application. We are just tightening up where this money goes, and making sure it all makes TTATC the best it can be for all of us!
MASSIVE THANKS to Kyla Sessing for jumping in to officially help us manage Art Grants! She’s a killer accountant that comes with an aray of awesome skills, plus plenty of experience dealing with this sorta stuff! She will be our primary grant communicator, and all grant emails will come from her ( We’re lucky to have her!
Can’t wait to see what y’all got for projects this year! The creativity out there is truly astounding.
❤️ Fire Mama

Let’s talk about TICKET STUFF!

***General Ticket Sale:
*Friday, March 17, 2023 at NOON***

The exact ticket link, through Burner Tickets (.com), will be posted to this group and on the website when it is GO TIME!
400 total tickets available.
Costs: General (and Directed) tickets $151. (See low income ticket costs below, must apply)
We’ve completely sold out in literally only about 2 minutes for the past couple of years, so be ON IT.

PARKING PASSES: ALL vehicles that plan to park anywhere on the grounds (including general parking lots) MUST purchase a Vehicle Parking Pass ($20), OR an RV pass ($50). A limited number of these passes will be available, due to limited parking space.

*** NOTE: Having a Vehicle Parking Pass doesn’t mean you get to park AT your camp, cuz basically nobody gets to do that, but every single vehicle needs a pass to park at the TTATC grounds, in any of our parking lots. Get what you need!

Each transaction will be entitled to 2 general tickets and 1 Vehicle Park Pass/1 RV pass. Extra large RVs – contact us, as that placement can be a challenge. You know who you are!

If you don’t get a ticket or a VPP/RV Pass, don’t freak out, and join the TTATC13 ticket exchange group (to be created) which is where things typically get passed around a ton before the actual event, and you could likely find your ticket there.

*** ASS Tickets! (Art Super Support Tickets)
There’s a few still available – NOW!

We have not quite yet sold out of these special advance tickets which massively help fund our Art Grant program! These fancy tickets are $353 and are available NOW, but ONLY until just before general ticket sales on March 17th, which is when this special ticket programs ends. You must fill out the form, then we will email you with exact instructions on how to purchase your ASS ticket. Saves you from having to battle everybody during our general ticket sale, AND will majorly contribute to the sweet ART you will get to see at TTATC this year! These tickets are non-refundable, but will be transferable, if necessary. Jump on board for these while you can!
*NOTE: Round 3 of ASS ticket emails went out yesterday, so check your email for a message from for instructions on how to get yours! (If you already purchased your ASS Ticket, stay tuned for a follow up email specific to VPP/and RV passes for y’all! These will be available directly to you…. just hang on a minute, thx!)

*** Low Income Tickets:
To offset anybody with major issues with our GA ticket price, we will be offering LI (low-income) tickets to those that need them to attend. Low Income tickets will be priced at $75 each. These applications will be reviewed by the C4 team. We are planning to award up to 7 Low Income tickets at a discounted price. IF AWARDED, each recipient will be sent a specific individual link giving them access to purchase one LI ticket, plus you will have access to purchase 1 Vehicle Parking Pass ($20), if needed, along with your ticket. Low Income tickets are non-transferrable. One request per email.

You have until Monday, March 12 at noon to complete the form, and will be notified if awarded by March 12 at midnight!

*** Directed Tickets:
These tickets will be offered (don’t ask, we will offer as we are able!) to appropriate theme camps, art projects, and to a few special offers we have made to specific past Medical and Security volunteers we recruited last year. Stay tuned for emails and messages about those! As much as we would love to offer directed tickets to all returning camps and tons of volunteers, we are simply unable to do that, or there wouldn’t be any tickets left for general attendees!
Directed tickets will need to be purchased during a specific window of time (about 3 days) prior to general ticket sales (so we know exactly what we have left for general purchase), so keep an eye on those details, IF you are offered Directed Tickets.
We will be contacting those that we recruited last year as overnight Security volunteers or Medical volunteers that completed the 8 hours+ required to qualify for a future direct ticket. We will figure this out and contact you directly. Stay tuned for that specific info shortly!

A few extra notes:
NEW art project or theme camps for TTATC13! Got one?!?? Please just HANG ON for now! There will be a form posted to apply, AFTER ticket sales. You must have a ticket to apply. So let’s do that part first. You’ll have some time to figure out your ticket situation. Nobody panic – there’s time.

VOLUNTEER! Our volunteer sign up list will become available once tickets go on sale, with perfect timing for you to sign up for something RIGHT AWAY after you get your ticket! YAY! Volunteering keeps our prices low, lets everybody be involved in creating our fine little city (it’s the burner way), feels good, and it’s FUN! The quicker you sign up, the more likely you are to get what and when you want! Stay tuned for that link when it’s GO TIME! We neeeeed you – thanks!

GRANTS: we are revamping our Grant program this year. There will be changes in what is specifically accepted for reimbursement, as well as what will qualify as an actual receipt. There has been some confusion in the past that has required some extra follow-up, but we are hoping to head that off at the pass this year, and let you know all the info up front, so there won’t be any surprises! Stay tuned for more info about Art Grants!

Temple and Effigy builders! We are in the process of figuring out these pieces of the puzzle! Please contact me (Fire Mama) directly if you have a desire to build and bring a big burnable project! I’ve gotten a few inquiries/messages over the past year about a few projects/ideas, but it’s getting to be GO TIME to put these ideas into solid action! Hit me up!

LEADS – a few new additions to note this year!
Welcome and BIG thanks to: Joshua Nelson – Parking, Kyla Sessing – Grants, and Joe Capaul – Vol Coor Co-Lead. We are super lucky that we don’t typically have very much lead team turnover, and we mostly just create a few new positions along the way, as we continue to grow! So coooooool! We just keep getting better and better.
Let me know if we’ve forgotten any NEED-TO-KNOW general info, and we can comment/edit/add things as necessary… but that seems to be PLENTY of info for now! Whewwww!

Spread the word! Tell your people!
❤ Fire Mama


WED – SUN, July 12 – 16, 2023
See below for ticket types, quantities available, and costs. Yeah, tickets have gone up a little bit, BUT…. we’ve added another day! Plus of course they went up, like EVERYTHING else, including our costs of almost everything! Are you even surprised?!?? You know how it is these days, but we all just keep doing our best.
Here we go!
*** ASS TICKETS! *** Available immediately!
Wut?!? Art Super Support Tickets!
Yep, we are bringing back your ability to purchase early tickets at a price that not only guarantees your ticket NOW, but also supports our Art Grant program in a BIG way!
These tickets are available for $353 each, and will be available ONLY until our General Admission tickets go on sale (on March 17 for the regular rate of $151). In the spirit of TTATC!3, we will be offering up to 13 of these tickets, and requests will be honored in the order that they are received. Last year we got 14 ASS requests, but only 9 followed through and got em, but it was enough to super boost our grant program, which TTATC then matched! To snag one of these super special tickets, click this link, fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch shortly with specific ASS Ticket purchasing instructions from there!
*** Low-Income (LI) Tickets! ***
Once again, we will be giving people the opportunity to apply for a ticket at the reduced rate of $75. A link will become available to apply sometime in March.. In the spirit of TTATC!3, we will be offering up to 13 of these tickets. Stay tuned for more info about all that!
*** Directed Tickets! ***
As usual, we will be offering these very limited special guaranteed tickets (at regular price, taken from the regular pool of 400 tickets), that will be available just prior to our general sale, to our returning theme camp and art project crews in good standing. We will be in touch with y’all with information on how to apply for these particular tickets, if your camp or project has plans to return. Stay tuned for more info about all that!
Friday, March 17, 2022 AT NOON!
ST. PATRICK’S DAY! – awkward, maybe? But easy to remember!
400 tickets will be available for $151 each. Put this sale date and time on your calendar, and make sure to get on it right away when the time comes! Tickets sold out last year REALLY FAST, and we’re kinda expecting that again, so don’t dilly dally when it’s GO TIME. If you don’t get one during the general sale (or prior), don’t panic, as tickets seem to bounce around before the actual event, and it could totally still happen for you! If you wanna be there, you’ll surely find a ticket, somehow, eventually!
RV Passes will be offered again this year, in limited numbers, and along with that…. we will again be offering a limited number of vehicle passes this year! One of the greatest challenges we have at our venue is not enough on-site parking space! We are working with our venue on creating MORE additional/overflow parking behind our RV section. Plus, it’s better for the environment if we carpool more anyways! This is all a continual work in progress as we figure it all out, but stay tuned for more info on all that! It will be fine, and totally work out!
FINALLY: Hopefully this info is helpful and finds you well! We are SOOO EXCITED to get rocking and proceed with our planning! Are you READY?!??? LET’S DO THIS!
❤ Fire Mama

Got an RV pass?

***Got an RV pass? Fill this out asap!
You may also get this form in an email, but only fill it out once! Thanks! The more we know, the better we can plan!
***Still looking for an RV pass? Sure seems like people are scrounging for them! Yikes! Keep doing your best as tickets shift around. Last day for ticket and pass transfers is Tuesday!
***Fair warning… we anticipate being tight this year, especially with the addition of parking vehicles in the back of the RV lot. Please help us help you by VOLUNTEERING for parking (RVs and other), COOPERATING with instructions, and being PATIENT as we figure it all out! We’re all in this together, and EVERYBODY wants to have a good time!
We got this!
❤ Fire Mama

***Got an RV pass? Fill this out asap!
You may also get this form in an email, but only fill it out once! Thanks! The more we know, the better we can plan!
***Still looking for an RV pass? Sure seems like people are scrounging for them! Yikes! Keep doing your best as tickets shift around. Last day for ticket and pass transfers is Tuesday!
***Fair warning… we anticipate being tight this year, especially with the addition of parking vehicles in the back of the RV lot. Please help us help you by VOLUNTEERING for parking (RVs and other), COOPERATING with instructions, and being PATIENT as we figure it all out! We’re all in this together, and EVERYBODY wants to have a good time!
We got this!
❤ Fire Mama

TTATC 12 Calendar!

Here is the Official TTATC 12 Calendar! You can easily add this to your Google Calendar! Just click the + in the lower right corner.


  1. Create a calendar event on your personal calendar of choice. Make sure to add location and an event description so people know where and what is going on. Do not create an all day event.
  2. Send an invite or add a guest to the following email address –
  3. Refresh the TTATC calendar and you should see your event show up.

If you have any issues please comment below and I will assist as soon as I can. We will have some printed copies available for the major camps to display, but you need to have your event added by Tuesday 7/13 for it to be included.


If you are bringing a child under 18 to TTATC12, please fill out this info form! If you don’t fill this form out online pre-event, you will need to fill one out at the gate when you arrive. It’s better in every way if you just do it in advance.
Just looking out for ya!

❤ Fire Mama

Here’s the form!

Lead Team!

Last week, most of our TTATC Lead Team got together, and proceeded to “Figure It Out!” This team is amaaazing, and it was SO GOOD to see everybody! The past 2 pandemic years had us basically barebones and struggling (but doing it anyways!). Somehow, we mostly held together through it all! Of course there will be occasional lead changes, but generally, people stick around, one way or another! This has given us the ability to continue to improve year after year with so many experienced people on this team and beyond. You guys…. this crew (with the help of volunteers across the board) makes TTATC really HAPPEN!

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce and thank our fantastic TTATC Lead Team!
Fire Mama – I guess I’ll start with ME! Ha! I’ve been directing TTATC (herding ALL the cats) since our start in 2012. I ran TTATC 1 and 2 (at the original Cabin) technically by myself, but with some great helpers, and started putting together our official TTATC Lead Team for TTATC3 (our last event at the Cabin before we moved to the CGC for TTATC4 – now), and fortunately, our team has remained impressively consistent ever since! Yeah, I somehow wrangle and oversee this whole crazy TTATC thing, with the help and support of MANY! This team is OFF THE CHARTS. I can hardly believe it. NOTE: The C4 (Core 4) does the big stuff – we meet frequently, and it’s awesome.**

*Paulski – C4 member, Placement, Drama Wrangler, Graphics, #2, and SO MUCH MORE
*Jeffy – C4 member, website, ticketing, tech MASTER, pro-hugger, the King of Dry Humor
*Jay – C4 member, DPW, Parking, heavy lifter, and extra AWESOME. Seriouslyyyy.
*Melissa – Volunteer Wrangler, List creator, Spot and Ice (Sales) Queen EXTRAORDINAIRE.
*Teresa – Our brand spankin new Medical Lead. She’s super cool, a fixer upper, and is ON IT!
*Jules – Perimeter/FAST (Fire Arts Safety Team) (co)Lead,. She will perimeter yo ass!
*Jason B – LASERS! Lighting up TTATC since 2013! Power and walkie master.
*Corey P – POWER! Big time – you have NO IDEA what this guy makes happen. Whoa.
*Alex – Gate Co-Lead, checking you in since 2013! His dedication is IMPRESSIVE.
*Jen – Gate Co-Lead, this is absolutely a 2 person job, and we are LUCKY to have her.
*Hawthorn – Ranger Co-Lead who has been rangering since the beginning of time.
*Queen B – Ranger Co-Lead, killin it in every way possible. She will RANGER your ass!
*Carrie – HPA (Hot Piece of ASSistant), helping us out in ALL THE WAYS! I luv her!
*Teddy – LNT, Spot Lurker, (FU, yo), basically this guy STEPS UP! Hardcore Burner – WOW.
*Ellen – VAG (Virgin Acclimation Group) creator and director, Are you new? She’s got you!
*Adam – Mama’s WI Friend, Caretaker, and the guy with the big truck that pulls people out of the mud! ! He’s a GREAT guy to have around!
***Honorable Mentions: Lauren, Alina, Jeremy, and J5 – who seem to be kinda fading away from our lead team these days…. but they are still around, have been AWESOME in so many ways for many years as part of our Lead Team, and we THANK THEM IMMENSELY. Seriously. Big love. Shifts happen.
*** I hope you have enjoyed my silly, but mega-serious introductions, and just know I could have gone ON AND ON about all of these crazy awesome people, in all the ways!
Be extra sweet to all of these incredible leads, give them a hand (sign up and show up for a VOLUNTEER shift!), and above all else, DON’T FUCK IT UP, and JUST BE COOL. We’re ALL in this together, which keeps it AWESOME!
Thank you from the bottom of my lil cat balls.
❤ Fire Mama

May be an image of 10 people and people standing
May be an image of 8 people, people sitting and outdoors